A story of a young pianist named August, who has been tasked with the care of his mother, Lucia. After a heart attack took the life of his father, August has had to return home as Alzheimer's began to take his mother's mind. Now, living in his childhood home, August must deal with the shadows of his parents, and a life he never chose to live.
Though he was never very good at connecting with others, Jeremy Ortner -- now in his sophomore year of college -- has never felt more disconnected. However, he soon discovers 1Therapy, an experimental form of therapy live-streamed on the Internet, which -- for him -- holds the key to the lock of his discontent.
For twelve-year-old Eddie, the arrival of a newcomer, Wynn, came as a shock. Though, in school, Wynn seems to want nothing to do with him, Eddie can't help but feel that the boy has everything to do with him. As the two boys begin to learn more about each other, visions of themselves start to become clearer.